Vision And Mission

Citadel aims to provide an inimitable model of real estate services base of ethics, creativity and continuous improvement to meet the stakeholder needs.
To be the best choice for investors and client in all real estate services in the middle east.
The Founders’ Message
Believing that Talent is the Key to success and sticking to it will lead to excellence. The idea of establishing the company started with a distinguished, professional, competent and expert team of real estate. since the first day, we seek to establish the company in excellence, innovation and provide a different real estate product that contributes to promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of real estate performance in the country.
Citadel means a strong castle or bulwark tower which symbolizes to kings and princes, our ambitions and aspirations will be in higher levels in order to achieve royal services and outstanding performance to reach the top and to be a role model. As per the board direction and the market demand domestic and international the company is focusing and based on several areas in the real estate sector and its services (which is increasingly needed by investors, owners and clients) which are property management, lease and sub-lease and real estate brokerage to facilitate the real estate products in the domestic and international market and provide services innovative and outstanding services to our stakeholders and founders.